How many amps does a treadmill use?

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, you might be wondering how many amps a treadmill uses. This information is essential if you’re looking to understand the power consumption of your workout equipment and want to calculate how much it costs to run your treadmill. The amount of electricity a treadmill uses can vary depending on factors like the motor’s horsepower, the machine’s features, and the incline level.

Most treadmills use between 3-10 amps when plugged into a 120V outlet. However, some models can consume up to 20 amps per hour of use, which is relatively high compared to other household appliances. Knowing how much power your treadmill consumes is crucial if you want to avoid overloading your circuit or tripping your breaker. Additionally, if you’re planning to install a treadmill in your home gym, you may need to have a dedicated circuit installed to handle the machine’s power needs.

Understanding Amps and Watts

When it comes to understanding the amount of electricity a treadmill uses, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of amps and watts. Knowing these concepts will help you determine the power consumption of your specific treadmill and how much it will cost to run it.

How Many Amps and Watts Does a Treadmill Use?

A treadmill typically uses between 3-10 amps when it’s plugged into a 120V outlet. The exact amount of amps will depend on the features and specifications of your treadmill. For example, a treadmill with a more powerful motor or a higher incline range will likely use more amps.

The power consumption of a treadmill is measured in watts. A treadmill typically uses between 600 and 700 watts of power energy. However, the power consumption can vary by model. A recent test of five main brands showed a range of 280 watts to 928 watts, although the lower end represents a belt speed of 3.5 miles-per-hour more of a stroll than a workout.

Kilowatt and Electricity Cost

Kilowatt hours (kWh) are used to measure the amount of electricity used over time. Your local power company will charge you for the amount of electricity you use in kWh. To calculate how much it would cost to run your specific treadmill, you can use the following formula:

Cost = (Watts ÷ 1000) x Hours Used x Electricity Cost per kWh

For example, if your treadmill uses 700 watts and you use it for one hour a day, and your electricity cost is $0.15 per kWh, the formula would be:

Cost = (700 ÷ 1000) x 1 x $0.15 = $0.11 per day

Power Consumption

The more you use your treadmill, the more energy it will consume. However, how you use the treadmill also determines the amount of energy consumption. If you are walking at a leisurely pace with no incline, it might only use 1-1/2 horsepower to power the machine, consuming only half the energy it would use if you were running at full speed with a high incline.

In conclusion, understanding amps and watts is crucial when it comes to determining the amount of electricity your treadmill uses. By knowing the power consumption and electricity cost, you can calculate how much it will cost to run your treadmill and adjust your usage accordingly.

Power Requirements for Treadmills

When it comes to treadmills, understanding their power requirements is crucial. In this section, we’ll go over the power ratings for treadmills, dedicated circuits, 20-amp circuits vs. 15-amp circuits, and surge protectors and power surges.

Power Ratings for Treadmills

A treadmill’s power consumption can range from 300 to 900 watts on average. The power rating of a treadmill will depend on its motor size and how much it is used. It’s important to note that older treadmills may use up to 30% more energy than when they were new.

Dedicated Circuits

Each treadmill should be furnished with a dedicated circuit, also known as a personal department circuit. For 110-volt models, this circuit should include a 20-amp circuit breaker and an individual 20-amp outlet (NEMA 5-20R) for every treadmill, per NFPA70 National Power Code (NEC) clause 210.21 (B) (1).

20-Amp Circuit vs. 15-Amp Circuit

While some treadmills may be able to run on a 15-amp circuit, it’s recommended to use a 20-amp circuit to ensure that the treadmill is getting enough power. A 20-amp circuit can handle more current and is less likely to trip the circuit breaker.

Can You Run a Treadmill on a 15-Amp Circuit?

It is possible to run a treadmill on a 15-amp circuit, but it’s important to make sure that the treadmill’s power requirements match the circuit’s capacity. If the treadmill’s power requirements exceed the circuit’s capacity, it may cause the circuit breaker to trip or the wiring to overheat, which can be a fire hazard.

Surge Protectors and Power Surges

To protect your treadmill from power surges, it’s recommended to use a surge protector. The surge protector should have a UL suppressed voltage rating of 400 volts or less and an electrical rating of 120 volts and 15 amps. Plug the surge protector into the grounded outlet, then plug the treadmill into the surge protector.

Understanding the power requirements for your treadmill is important to ensure that it operates safely and efficiently. By following the guidelines for dedicated circuits, circuit capacity, and surge protectors, you can help prolong the life of your treadmill and prevent any potential hazards.

Factors Affecting Power Consumption

When it comes to power consumption, there are several factors that can affect how many amps a treadmill uses. Here are some of the most significant factors to consider:

Motor Capacity

The motor capacity of a treadmill is one of the most important factors that can affect power consumption. Generally, the higher the motor capacity, the more electricity the treadmill will use. However, it’s important to note that a 3.0 horsepower treadmill motor doesn’t always run at 3.0 horsepower. If you are walking at a leisurely pace with no incline, it might only use 1-1/2 horsepower to power the machine, consuming only half the energy during that time.


The incline of a treadmill can also affect power consumption. When you increase the incline, you are increasing the resistance that the motor has to overcome, which can result in higher power consumption. The steeper the incline, the more power the treadmill will need to maintain the speed.

Console and Features

The console and features of a treadmill can also affect power consumption. For example, if your treadmill has a large and bright display screen, it will consume more power than a treadmill with a smaller, simpler display. Similarly, if your treadmill has features like built-in speakers or a fan, it will use more electricity than a basic treadmill without these features.


Friction is another factor that can affect power consumption. If your treadmill is not properly lubricated, it will create more friction between the belt and the deck, which can cause the motor to work harder and use more electricity. It’s important to keep your treadmill properly lubricated to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently.


Proper lubrication is essential for the longevity and efficient operation of your treadmill. A well-lubricated treadmill will reduce friction between the belt and the deck, which will result in less strain on the motor and lower power consumption. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for lubrication to ensure that your treadmill runs smoothly and efficiently.

Overall, there are several factors that can affect the power consumption of a treadmill. By understanding these factors and taking steps to optimize your treadmill’s operation, you can reduce your energy costs and ensure that your treadmill runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

Calculating Electricity Costs

If you’re wondering how much electricity your treadmill consumes, you’ll need to calculate its energy consumption. This will help you determine how much it costs to use your treadmill and how you can save on energy costs.

How to Calculate Energy Consumption

To calculate energy consumption, you need to know the wattage of your treadmill and the number of hours you use it in a given month. You can usually find the wattage of your treadmill in the user manual or on the manufacturer’s website.

To calculate the energy consumption of your treadmill, use the following formula:

Energy Consumption (kWh) = Wattage (W) x Hours Used ÷ 1000

For example, if your treadmill has a wattage of 1200 and you use it for 2 hours a day, the energy consumption would be:

Energy Consumption (kWh) = 1200 W x 2 hours ÷ 1000 = 2.4 kWh

Kilowatt Hours and Electricity Bills

Once you know the energy consumption of your treadmill, you can calculate how much it will cost you in electricity bills. To do this, you need to know the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in your area. You can find this information on your electricity bill.

To calculate the cost of using your treadmill, multiply the energy consumption (kWh) by the cost of electricity per kWh. For example, if the cost of electricity in your area is $0.12 per kWh, and your treadmill consumes 2.4 kWh per day, your monthly cost would be:

Monthly Cost = Energy Consumption (kWh) x Cost per kWh
Monthly Cost = 2.4 kWh x $0.12/kWh = $0.29

Energy-Efficient Treadmills

If you’re concerned about the energy consumption of your treadmill, you may want to consider purchasing an energy-efficient model. Energy-efficient treadmills use less electricity and can help you save on energy costs.

When shopping for an energy-efficient treadmill, look for models with a lower wattage rating. You can also look for treadmills with energy-saving features, such as automatic shut-off and power-saving modes.

By choosing an energy-efficient treadmill and using it wisely, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money on electricity bills.

Safety and Maintenance

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)

When using a treadmill, it is important to ensure that the outlet you are using has a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). A GFCI is designed to protect you from electrical shock in case of a ground fault. It does this by quickly shutting off the power to the circuit when it detects a difference in the amount of electricity flowing into the circuit compared to what is flowing out.

You should also make sure that the treadmill’s power cord and plug are in good condition. If you notice any damage, such as cracks or frayed wires, stop using the treadmill immediately and have it repaired or replaced.

Short Circuit and Electrical Fires

Short circuits can occur when the electrical current in a circuit takes a shortcut to the ground. This can cause the wires to overheat and potentially start a fire. To prevent short circuits, make sure that the cords and wires are not pinched or damaged in any way.

To avoid electrical fires, never use an extension cord to power your treadmill. Extension cords are not designed to handle the amount of electricity that a treadmill requires and can overheat, causing a fire. Instead, plug the treadmill directly into a wall outlet.

Maintenance and Repairs

Proper maintenance and repairs are essential for keeping your treadmill running smoothly and safely. Regularly inspect the treadmill for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed wires or loose bolts. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, stop using the treadmill immediately and have it repaired by a qualified technician.

It is also important to keep the treadmill clean and well-lubricated. Dirt and debris can cause the treadmill to malfunction, while lack of lubrication can cause excessive wear on the motor and other moving parts.

In summary, always use a GFCI when using a treadmill, avoid using extension cords, and regularly inspect and maintain the treadmill to ensure safe and proper operation.


Now that you have a better understanding of how many amps a treadmill uses, you can make an informed decision before purchasing one. Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Treadmills can use anywhere from 3-20 amps, depending on the model and features.
  • Non-electric treadmills do not require electricity and therefore do not have an amp rating.
  • Motorized treadmills require a power supply and conduit to operate.
  • Digital control panels and automatic shut-off features can help conserve electricity and prevent accidents.
  • It is recommended to use a surge suppressor and fuse to protect your treadmill and home from electrical damage.

When considering the pros and cons of purchasing a treadmill, it is important to factor in the electrical consumption. While treadmills can be a great way to stay active and healthy, they can also be a source of high electricity usage. However, with proper usage and maintenance, you can minimize your energy consumption and save money on your electricity bill.

If you live in the UK, it is important to note that the electrical requirements may be different than in other countries. Be sure to check the amp rating and voltage requirements before purchasing a treadmill.

Overall, a treadmill can be a great investment for your health and fitness. Just be sure to consider the electrical usage and take steps to minimize your energy consumption.

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